The Death and Life of Street Carnival
CW.Ch1.Ex1. Porta dos Fundos. “Blocos.” A satiric sketch about the world of alternative brass blocos.
(for English or Spanish subtitles, click the "settings" gear at bottom right of video, then "subtitles/cc")
(for English or Spanish subtitles, click the "settings" gear at bottom right of video, then "subtitles/cc")
CW.Ch1.Ex2. Cordão do Boitatá. “Teaser Carnaval Cordão do Boitatá.” Performance by Cordão do Boitatá.
CW.Ch1.Ex3. Céu na Terra. “Cristo Nasceu na Bahia 2020.” Animations of Céu na Terra based on performance footage.
CW.Ch1.Ex4. Porta dos Fundos. “Carlos.” Satire of samba school.
CW.Ch1.Ex5. Porta dos Fundos. “Carnaval do Crivella.” Satire of samba school
CW.Ch1.Ex6. Porta dos Fundos. “Carnaval 2019.” Satire of samba school
CW.Ch1.Ex7. Porta dos Fundos. “Carnavírus.” Satire of samba school